Alloy Wheel Repair Kit-a professional set designed specifically for the repair of light-alloy wheels made of aluminum and magnesium alloys, however, it is suitable for the repair of any cast, forged, stamped and composite automobile wheels, both from light alloys and steel, as well as for disks and wheels made of plastic. Suitable for repairing decorative caps and any other parts made of similar materials.
In the process of operation, the wheels are damaged: they are scratched and dented from hitting obstacles, fragments of the roadway, incorrect installation and tool damage during car repair and installation and dismantling of wheels. These damages can lead to end-to-end corrosion of steel disks and cracks in light-alloy and plastic ones, which can critically reduce their strength and ultimately lead to an emergency. Therefore, all disk damage must be repaired as quickly as possible.
- The kit includes everything you need to remove scratches and dents and restore the discs to their original appearance;
- Easy to use;
- The layer restored and painted with the attached varnish has a silvery color, if necessary, you can apply any other paint on it.
1. Clean the damaged disc or cap from dirt and remove sharp edges and bumps around the damaged area.
2. Outline the recovery area. In case of minor damage, use wet sanding paper to smooth out the contours of the area being repaired and then easily paint it.
3. In case of large damage or holes, mix the restoring compound: squeeze the desired amount of it on the mat and mix both components with the included spatula until you get a gray mass (use the mixture for 2-4 minutes after which it hardens).
4. Repair: apply the mixture to the damaged area and leave for 15 minutes.
5. Clean the contour: use wet sanding paper to clean the contours of the restored area and level it with the surface of the disc. If necessary, repeat the second step.
6. Varnishing: clean and degrease the restored area (we recommend using 9691 MANNOL Brake Cleaner) and apply a thin layer of silver paint with a brush. The paint should dry for 1-2 hours before using the machine. The total solidification time is 3 days.
The kit includes:
- restoring compound - 1 PC.
- silver lacquer (resistant to vibrations) - 1 PC.
- sanding paper (grain size: 1000) - 1 PC.
- sanding paper (grain size: 400) - 1 PC.
- cleaning cloth - 1 PC.
- gloves - 2 PCs.
- alcohol - impregnated napkins for preparation-2 PCs.
- plastic spatula - 2 PCs.